We develop brand communication with an extraordinary sense for design and a high level of demands on the entire communication claviature.
We do not do everything, but what we do, we do exceptionally well.
Knowing where the threads lead...
At the beginning of a project is a process through which we gain an understanding of your market environment, your customers' requirements and your business objectives. From this we create the coordinates for your common thread: creative communication design based on targeted strategies.
KmH advises and supports companies in exploring their communication goals: "Command Red Thread".
For this we pack up individual workshops for you & dive together with you into the big, wide communication cosmos - in search of new worlds (:-) or your red thread)
Please All -
except "Lost in Diversity"...
Looking for a dose of personality for your company?
Please also fit for the future?
Preferably different from the rest (competition) - and what does it look like then?
We translate the answers into a coherent corporate design and
create your personal profil.
"A beautiful red thread, lost in the woods..."
Contemporary corporate publications, whether print or digital - is how?
It strikes the right note, creatively & linguistically.
We throw professionals for design, conception, text and editing into the cosmos of communication.
This works because we have mastered "storytelling": annual reports,
image brochures, employee newspapers, customer magazines or websites.
You can't do without
The today basis of every corporate media strategy.
Essentially the "mothership": constantly on the move, evolving and continually discovering new worlds.
These endless possibilities must be exploited - with a firm focus on marketing goals and communication channels.
We're going on a trip and we're going to pack our bags...
For you we'll pack: complex product ranges, which we bring into a structured order and make the individual product clearly distinguishable. We communicate statements in a casual and confident manner - and thus achieve desirability.
In short: an intensive examination of the POS as a travel destination and a clear (travel) target group definition.
And in the end it takes a lot of experience, ideas and the desire for adventure.
That's what we deliver.